The world’s population is growing, 城市化进程加速, and the demand for goods and services exploding. This is all transforming the way global supply chains function, putting pressure on the transport industry to optimize sustainable operations across the world. It’s a challenge, for sure, but far from insurmountable — with the right help.

跨轨工作, multi-modal logistics and freight, Viasat is helping the transport sector harness technology to transform. From delivering supply chain transparency and improving operational efficiencies to enhancing worker and passenger safety, our bespoke connectivity services and solutions have got you covered, wherever you’re going in the world.


Managing an expansive rail network is no simple task. A lack of terrestrial coverage hampers the visibility you have over your networks, compromising your ability to deploy technologies that could help you transport cargo efficiently, safely, 和可持续. But Viasat offers the services and solutions to help you change this.

With the support of our global partners, we can provide you with ultra-reliable telematics, control, and communications solutions globally. Do you want to track and communicate with your trains wherever they are, or even automate your train operation? Are you struggling to stay connected with remote maintenance crews? With our satellite-enabled connectivity, 你可以提高效率, safety, and sustainability of your rail operations and harness the benefits of technology, 不管你在哪里做手术.


The greater awareness you have over vehicle locations and the status of drivers and cargo, the easier it is to optimize your operations and keep your staff and assets safe. But to have continuous visibility over your fleet, you need reliable connectivity. 这就是Viasat可以提供帮助的地方.

Our satellite services make telemetry data such as location, speed, and engine diagnostics available to you and your control center operators at all times, 几乎来自任何地方. This gives you the tools you need to effectively manage diverse fleets of vehicles, helping to ensure drivers are safe and cargo is delivered on time. Take control of your fleet today with real-time telemetry enabled by Viasat’s connectivity.


Staying in continuous contact with drivers can be a challenge in isolated, far-flung locations. But we realize how important it is for the safety and efficiency of your supply chain. 

Our PTT Pro service ensures you have the connectivity you need to maintain instant, two-way contact with your entire fleet. 来自世界上几乎任何地方, 你的司机, 仓库, 发送控制, and customers can access updates in real time. 甚至更好的, this gives you the tools to respond more quickly to emergencies and help drivers expedite deliveries, optimizing the efficiency and productivity of your network.

Passenger land mobile connectivity

High-quality onboard connectivity is increasingly being considered as a key part of the standard services provided by public transport operators, 从长途客车到城际列车.  Customers expect the same level of connectivity while commuting as they enjoy at home or work. Viasat’s range of land mobility services and solutions can help meet these challenges by providing ubiquitous always-on connectivity via our cutting-edge global satellite network.  Now, your customers can readily access the Internet, email, 流电影, 更新他们的社交媒体状态, and more, 忙个不停. 


  • 提高效率: Understand exactly where your assets are, optimize your capacity and allow real-time condition monitoring of critical components for improved maintenance.
  • 提高知名度: Capture actionable supply chain data — from fleet management insights to the status of individual goods — in real time.
  • 健康与安全: Monitor and communicate with your remote workers and remote drivers, as well as enabling industry-recognized rail management standards
  • 在途的安全: 安全地移动, store, and make sense of your data from people, vehicles, machines, 和传感器, 地球上任何地方.
  • 可持续性: Optimize fuel usage and minimize emissions.

Why Viasat? 

  • 覆盖全球: We have you covered with connectivity and support wherever you are.  We have a presence in over 90 countries and partner networks that span the globe.  
  • 可靠性: 40多年的信赖, our robust network keeps communities, companies, and countries connected when it matters most – even during the most turbulent times.  
  • 先进的基础设施: We have an advanced and resilient mobile connectivity infrastructure and are continuing to invest in our satellite constellations to ensure our services can facilitate the evolving communications needs of our customers.    
  • Security: We are committed to highly secure operations at all times.  Our privately-owned satellite network is managed by cybersecurity experts 24/7/365.