
The highest capacity satellites ever built

Each ViaSat-3 satellite is expected to deliver 1Tbps throughput capacity to help unlock opportunity for the world
A woman connecting to the internet using ViaSat-3 service
High-quality, affordable bandwidth for the world

The ViaSat-3 constellation is expected to deliver 600% more capacity than Viasat's entire previous fleet — with nearly half of that available in areas around the world that are unconnected or underserved.


Optimized to meet the growing global demand for affordable, high-quality bandwidth, the ViaSat-3 constellation is expected to help foster digital 包容 by enabling online education, 远程医疗, and business opportunities for those who need it most, while also providing consumers, 企业, and government the bandwidth to take advantage of opportunity in some of the world's hardest to connect places.

What's special about the ViaSat-3 constellation's capacity?
Evangela Rodgers, Marketing Lead, 空间 & 商业网络

The most exciting thing about ViaSat-3 is not a piece of technology for me. It's the individuals that said, "Hey, we're listening to our customers. This is what they want. They want more bandwidth. They want greater capacity for various industries." And we're going to do that.

Derek Johnson, Engineering Director

One of the beauties of ViaSat-3 are its bandwidth economics, and how they're going to help bridge the digital divide. It's going to allow folks that may not have had connectivity in the past get it at a price point that is affordable for them — so they can interact with the rest of the world.


We’ve been on a journey since our entry into the satellite sector to drive down the cost per bit in our deployed capacity — because when you're able to bring down your costs, you're enabling a better and a more economical way to give more to your customers.

Ken Buer, 空间公司首席技术官 & 商业网络

Most people still build satellites with a lot of tube amplifiers and things that look like they came out of the 1950s Soviet Union. 与ViaSat-3, we've gone to a highly integrated payload using solid-state electronics — and that has allowed us to get a lot more capacity out of the payload than we could have any other way.

Rick Baldridge, Vice Chairman

The normal approach to designing a satellite is to use a group of heritage elements — but to achieve this type of capacity, we had to invent a whole new set of elements. These inventions are defining the next-generation of high-capacity satellites, and what they will enable for the world.

Dave Ryan, President, 空间 & 商业网络

We have a brand-new ground network and new terminals that work holistically with the satellites — when they all work together, they're going to be able to produce the capacity we're talking about.

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